update 09-15-15
Hey everyone...I know i disappear for long stretches...I am working on many things..there's quite a bit going on these days..But I wanted to make you aware of the 2nd demo I made for New Masters Academy..You know... It's never been my goal to teach..I prefer to work in a room by myself. And then there's the Camera which is a difficult thing for me to adjust to..So forgive me for the introductions to these things. I am still learning how to talk to a lens..heheheh....
But ...the focus of these demo's is to show the importance of the rough,the plan..I spend my time on these little drawing for your sake and the purposes of delivering information.. There will be 3 demos showing off the rough.. There may be more but for now that's what we have .. The third is almost done.. i just have to find the time to go in and finish it...but for those of you who have viewed the demos understand that I am giving value to the process of drawing rather than showing off illustration skills..The "drawing" is the rough and the ability to be creative is most expressed in that rough drawing. (Check Rembrandt's rough ink and wash studies). After the rough is done it's easy street to render town. That is why some of my favorite artists are the ones that were able to say much with very little.I find that to be the most beautiful. I view sculpture the same way.. My favorite type of sculpture is like a rough sketch.. these are my preferences. What i find to be the art is the rough which is the very core, the heart of the art. That is what strikes the center of the nerve. anyway enough of my blather...I hope you like the demo